The Presentation of the Lord 2-2-25
For a moment let us picture the old man, Simeon, and the old woman Anna, in today’s Gospel story of the Child Jesus being presented at the Temple. For many decades Simeon “the just and pious one , awaited the consolation of Israel.” For years upon years both of them, Simeon and Anna, had been coming to the Temple faithfully, determined, and hoping that even if the Messiah did not come in their life-time, they, in their time, might be seen at least as faithful. Imagine then their ecstasy when they encountered the infant Messiah in the Temple, waiting to be found by them. We can almost see Simeon’s face as he looked into the eyes of this infant child and realized God had fulfill Simeon long awaited wish. So much so was his happiness and cried out with joy and with tears streaming his face “Now, Master, you can let your servant go in peace just as you promised; because my eyes have seen the salvation which y...